
SW-3b Display Problem – Not Fixed!

I thought that re-soldering the pins on the LCD display fixed the problem, and it seemed to be fixed for a while. However, after one POTA activation, the display problem returned. The display changes from random characters, to all dark , then no characters at all. Upon further investigation, I found that the 3.3V regulator chip was outputting 4.95V. This voltage not only runs the LCD display, but the processor chip as well. Stay tuned for more details.

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W9TH AllStar Node

Building an AllStar Node

I had this node working on the bench, now its time to assemble it into a finished unit. There are two compartments, one for the Raspberry Pi and one for the radio. The cooling fan on the larger box (the Pi box) not only cools the Raspberry Pi, but also cools the radio using a baffle between the two boxes. A big thanks to Freddie Mac – Your Ham Radio Crusader for his instructional videos on AllStar!

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MTR-3b to Return!

This is from the LNR precision Web site: Update: 2/16/23: MTR4 V2.3 is not available for purchase now but we will be offering these again in the Spring of 2024. We don’t have an exact date yet but the target is by the end of March. This will be the only and last offering of the MTR4b V2.3 radios as we are shifting focus on a redesigned and re-engineered version of the popular MTR3B! It is our hope to have these out in Fall of 2024 if possible, but no guarantees. I’ve been trying to buy a MTR-3B LCD for years

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Tiny 3-D printed keyer paddle

Micro Keyer Paddle

I found this micro sized keyer paddle at the Hendricks County Indiana Hamfest 2023. It is so tiny, but has an excellent feel. The paddle is also fully adjustable. The cost – $10. The ham who was selling these didn’t mind me posting about it, but he declined to be identified. He is not in the business of mass production of these paddles for commercial sale. The paddle is 3-D printed. I’m sure the details for such a paddle are on some well known 3-D printing sites. I plan to use it with my SW-3b and AT Sprint III backpack

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