I didn’t have time to test the antenna before our cabin trip, so I took some measurements on-site. The antenna was strung between the upper deck of the cabin and a nearby tree.
The wire I used was 63 feet long, I intended to cut it to length when the antenna was put up. What actually happened was I passed the end of the wire through a plastic dog bone insulator and wrapped it back on itself about a foot, and called it good. The SWR turned out to be so close to perfect, I didn’t make any adjustments.
Here is the performance data:
The performance of this antenna was outstanding. I made multiple contacts using no more than 5 watts. The rigs used were a QRP-Labs QCX, a QRP-Kits Weber Tri-bander, and a 4 states QRP Hilltopper. The contacts were from call areas 1,4,8 and 9. While listening to the band, I heard call signs from all 10 call areas in the continental US, Cuba, France and Germany.
Good afternoon,
Thanks for the QSO this afternoon, and I’m very glad to get the same suffix “TH” it is rather rare, don’t you think ?
Got this call in 1965 when I got my advanced certificate, before I had the call VE2AWJ.
I’m reading your blog and find very interesting about QRP GUYS end fed half wave antenna.
I’m going to look at their website.
I like simple things because when I am doing park on the air it can fit in a smaller bag.
Thank you very much for giving the SWR table,in the text boy it is fun and encouraging.
When doing park on the air, I use my Outbacker antenna on some pik-nik table with a radial for the band in use.-
So hope to work you again somewhere in a park.
Best 72/73, Mike VE2TH
The QRO’er for 60 years now and always learn something new Hi!